
 (English follows Chinese)



  • 21世紀全球合作的策略
  • NGO平台組織之建立與運作之挑戰
  • NGO從事緊急援助之挑戰
  • 跨國援助在長期發展之挑戰
  • NGO平台組織的運作與面對的挑戰
  • 如何強化亞洲國際援助之NGO網絡
  1. 報名日期:
  2. 報名費:
  3. 報名程序:
    a. 線上報名
    b. 報名費繳費最後期限為 9/13下午3點半;請勿使用劃撥帳號!!! 請匯款或ATM轉帳至  華南商業銀行(代碼008)   新生分行   戶名: 財團法人至善社會福利基金會   帳號: 113-10-015458-6,繳款後請電 02-2356-0118 轉分機 16會計邱小姐,告知您的轉出帳號後5碼。
  4. 報名費收據:
  5. 取消報名:
    8/31下午5點以前取消報名,則報名費扣除15元郵局收取之劃撥手續費及退款時金融機構收取之手續費(約30元),餘額退還報名者;8/31下午5點以後取消報名,則報名費不予退還。取消報名請一律email至 2012asiangoreg@gmail.com,載明報名者姓名、電話、地址及報名日期。
  6. 為了地球:為推動環保,會議當天請自行攜帶環保水杯及環保筷、餐具等。
  7. 參加證明:全程參加者可領取參加證明。
  8. 報名事項聯絡專線:(02) 2578-4515 ext. 204-207   伊甸基金會 國際暨兩岸發展中心
  9. 詳細中文議程,請參閱:2012亞洲NGOs援助與發展研討會 - 中文議程








  1. 論壇:9/14
  2. 包括1天之2次茶點,1天午餐便當
  3. 大會期間同步口譯機租用費
  4. 大會手冊
  5. 可提供參加証明(請於報名表單勾選)


2012 Asia NGOs International Development Conference

  1. Date of Registration:
    ● Accepting applications starting from today until 2012/09/07, or until all spots are filled.
  2. Registration:
    ● Online registration link: http://registrano.com/events/taiwanaid2012/registrations/new
  3. Registration Fee:
    ● Regular registration: 500 TWD
    ● Student: 300 TWD
  4. Registration Process:
    • Register online
    • Registration fee should be paid by Postal Giro service. Postal Giro Account: Zhi-Shan Foundation TAIWAN. On postal transfer receipt, please indicate “registration for 2012 Asia NGOs International Development Conference” with your name, address, and phone number.
    • Registration is complete only after receiving a registration completion email notification. (Approximately five working days after fees are received.)
    • Overseas participants may pay their fees on-site.
  5. Registration Fee Receipt:
    Please pick up your receipt at check in on the day of conference.
  6. Cancellation:
    ● Cancellation prior 5:00pm, August 31st , will receive a refund after a reduction of 15 TWD shipping fees and transaction processing fees (total in an approximation of 30TWD)
    ● Cancellation after 5:00pm, August 31st will receive no refund.
    ● To cancel registration, please email your name address, phone number, and date of registration to: 2012asiangoreg@gmail.com
  7. Being Green: in order to help promote environmental awareness, please bring your own water cup and other utensils.
  8. Certification of Participation: participants of the whole conference will receive a certification of participation
  9. Please feel free to contact us at:
    (02)2578-4515 ext. 204-207
    International and Cross-Strait Affairs Center, EDEN SOCIAL WELFARE FOUNDATION
  10. Please refer to detailed english agendas: English Agendas
集思台大會議中心 / 台北市羅斯福路四段85號B1,國立台灣大學第二活動中心內


票種 販售時間 售價

2012/07/22 15:02(+0800) ~ 2012/09/13 15:30(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費